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100% Wildcrafted  Raw Golden Sea Moss.

Do it yourself:

1. Wash Sea Moss properly  in cold water to get rid of salt.

2. Soak Sea Moss  in a bowl of water  for at least 8 hours until it expand. You can add cutted  limes or lemons to the bowl to neutralise the smell and taste of the Ocean.

3. Rinse Sea Moss and blend it with spring water until it gets a consistency of smooth gel.

4.  Pour your gel to a container of your choice and let it rest for about 20-30 minutes until still.

5. Store your gel in a closed container in the fridge.

6. Use within 3-4 weeks.

Raw Golden Sea Moss 100g

  • Raw Golden Sea Moss 100g.

    Once made into a gel, use within 3-4 week.

    Keep refrigated.

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